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Main business: all kinds of wrought iron accessories, wrought iron decorative pieces, etc.



Contact: Mr. Li

contact number:138-6331-8729 

fax:0086 0633 8682763

Address: Industrial Park, Gaoxing Town, Lanshan District, Rizhao City



What common sense does iron art have?
(1) Iron work
  1. The definition of iron art
   The most classic definition of iron art is the art of iron art fire. Of course, this definition is not comprehensive and does not cover modern craftsmanship. For the convenience of beginners, iron art is concisely defined as: an item made of iron (including other metals) and mainly used for decoration.
  2. The material of iron art
  The material of iron art is iron, but due to the needs of decoration and processing considerations, metals made of alloy steel, copper, and aluminum are sometimes collectively referred to as iron art.
  3. iron craftsmanship
  Iron art processing usually uses casting, forging and welding, sometimes with the help of machine tools.
(2) Classification of iron art
  Iron art works are divided into major types, including garden and construction iron art, furniture decoration iron art, arts and crafts iron art. According to iron art materials and processing methods, there are three major categories of iron art, namely, flat iron flowers, cast iron iron art, and wrought iron iron art.
  1. Flat iron flower:
  Using flat iron as the main material, cold bending as the main process, manual operation or manual operation, with little end modification.
  2. Cast iron iron art:
  Using gray cast iron as the main material and casting as the main process, it has various patterns and strong decoration.
  3. Wrought iron iron
  Using low-carbon steel material as the main material, the main processes are surface embossing, mechanical bending and die forging, and manual forging auxiliary processing.
(3) Application characteristics of iron art
  1. Practical and decorative
  The opportunity for iron art to show its charm stems from people's pursuit of environmental beauty. With the birth of a new building, new home, new decoration, and new storefront, an opportunity for iron art application has arrived.
  2. Safety and permeability
   The pace of life in modern cities is fast, and the sense of security is becoming more and more important to people.
  3. Reflect privacy
   Respect for personal privacy and protection of private property are the embodiment of social civilization.
  4. Highlight the display
  Iron art itself means having indescribable abundance and possession of the treasures of iron art. It is not only a manifestation of a certain personal complex, but also a remembrance of history and an admiration of exoticism.
  5. Persistence and environmental protection concept
  The reason why iron art has a place in construction and decoration materials is that iron art itself has good strength, wind resistance, anti-aging, and insect resistance, which is unmatched by other materials.
(4) The value of iron art
   A successful iron art must look like this:
   1. Beautiful shape, good visual effect, artistic beauty;
   2. Exquisite production, reflecting the beauty of craftsmanship;
   3. The strength is sufficient to meet the basic functions;
   4. The cost is reasonable and economically reasonable.

Previous:The basic quality requirements of iron products


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